Futurology kiosk: Redefinition of reality
Nadja Kracunovic
15.06 - 05.07
Sophienstiftplatz, Weimar, Germany
<<Once upon a time, the timeline broke into tiny pieces, and everything that had existed broke within. We entered the era of Reversal, backpedaling in the direction of the Beginning, where the world was about to start again or remain. While exploring haptically the skeletons of time, we see how differently they were treated. Their parts were cut, their surface destroyed, crippled, and often left with scars. The color faded away, texture mutilated, being wrapped in the past with its shape deformed. These fossils have neither purpose nor history. The artifacts were floating around, losing their structure, scent, purpose, and gravitation. Their bodies were thoroughly examined and carefully excavated from the void they were found in. Shoveled Future relics materially culminate while being dug out. Their existence depends on the speculation and imagination of the observer. Found broken, longing for what is lacking in a changed present, or Future.>>
The Futurology Kiosk is a mixed-media project founded by visual artist Nadja Kracunovic. Combining multiple mediums, sound (Future Nostalgia FM radio), spatial installation (kiosk as a time capsule), and performative objects (ceramics), its futuristic experience unsettles the present and speculates on the future. The inventory consists of imaginatively designed broken ceramics lavishly displayed to be dug out and explorred. The artifacts are excavations from the future bringing nostalgia for what has never happened. The project has a narrative that waves between imagination, aspirations, and human interactions while exploring new fusions between mediums.
The founder of the Futurology Kiosk:
Nadja Kracunovic
Future Nostalgia FM radio team:
Nadja Kracunovic
Denise Lee
David Bilek
Dean Ruddock
Future Nostalgia newspapers design
Jonas Lenz
Download the poster
Welcome to Future Nostalgia, our speculative «time capsule». This is the place of futurology and home to all tiny utopias. We offer you possible scenarios and alternative futures. Our content goes far away from what is known. Its fictional nature allows one’s imagination to simply float. Before the program starts, I would like to remind you to never stop speculating on your future.
Future Nostalgia FM is a digital, experimental, imaginary radio, combining speculative storytelling, poems, sounds, and audios that overlap eras - from the distant past to the possible future. Its nostalgic but futuristic content has a narrative that wavers between imagination, aspirations, and human interactions while offering alternative versions and perspectives of reality.
Future Nostalgia FM is a part of the project Futurology Kiosks supported and funded by Kreativfonds and Frauenfonds from the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. The project's objective is to activate initiatives, groups and individuals that work in the domain of art through collective speculations on our future(s). The kiosk, with its futuristic objects, workshops, lectures and nostalgic radio programming will open in June 2022 in Weimar, Germany, while the radio program will be played both from the physical kiosk and online. To imagine a future, or futures, does not mean to predict or decide on, but rather to speculate on the manifold possibilities, causations and consequences.